Will County, IL

April 24, 2025 - April 27, 2025




Do you have nearly new clothing, shoes, toys, baby gear, books and more that you kids have outgrown or no longer use? Then become a consignor with Kid's Closet Connection!

Hello! All the information you need to tag with us and receive your check after the sale is in the following information. Please read the information below. If you need additional help, our email address is at the end of this page.

New and returning consignors: 

  • Find a sale and sign up to consign! The regular price for a consignor fee is $15.
  • Register as a consignor by creating a username and password.
  • Sign up for a drop off day/time in your closet.
  • Sign up for a helper shift if you want to earn more $$.
  • You should be receiving email from us always as this is how you know what is going on and how you get your e-check after the sale. If you're unsure you're getting emails - follow us on our Facebook Consignor page.
  • Make sure your current phone # is in your account. We do send text messages to consignors.
  • To Re-issue an email check to you the cost is $15.00. Checks expire 90 days after issuance. To retrieve your check you must use your KCC email to create an account here:  Deluxe Payment Exchange (DPX) (echecks.com)
  • If you are not receiving our emails, please follow these directions: when you're on our website under edit account> profile information, please make sure the box is checked for approve receiving email from Kids Closet Connection is checked.
  • Please see below for tagging requirements.

Helper Shifts: 

  • Interested in increasing your profits? Consignors who don't work any helper shifts earn 60% of what they sell, less a consignor fee.
  • Consignors who have items to be sold on the sales floor are able to come shop our Consignor sale on Pre-Sale THURSDAY, but you can come anytime this day too! 
  • We kindly ask that you do NOT shop DURING your helper shift.
  • Help out TWO SHIFTS EARNS YOU 75% OR THREE SHIFTS earns you 80% AND YOU GET TO SHOP FIRST ON our Pre-Sale THURSDAY starting at 4:00pm! No tickets required.*
  • Help out ONE SHIFT and you will earn 70% of your sales! AND YOU GET TO SHOP EARLY ON our Pre-Sale THURSDAY after 5:00pm! No tickets required.* 
  • You may NOT work three helper shifts in one day.
  • If your availability does not match the available time slots, please reach out to us directly to see if we can create your own slot.

Any consignor signed up to for helper shifts - on the Friday before the sale, if your inventory # is less than 25 items, we NEED to know you'll be tagging and working. If we don't hear from you - we will try to reach you. Your shifts will be deleted if we can't reach you.




Helpers may not pick overlapping shifts. Ex 10:00-1:00 & 12:00-3:00 -<~these overlap. If you need help, our email is at the bottom of this page.

Helpers may not work 3 shifts in ONE day.

*To shop as a helper/consignor on Pre-Sale THURSDAY you must check in on check in day & have a minimum of 25 items for sale on the sales floor.

***you cannot earn more than $50 for your third helper shift. 


  • You may only use WHITE CARDSTOCK, NOT copy paper.
  • You may print in BLACK INK ONLY.
  • Do NOT Tape over your barcodes.
  • Do NOT laminate your tags - what a waste!
  • If your tag barcode looks blurry, it more likely than not won't scan.
  • Make the descriptions on your items clear. Ex - g white unicorn shirt g or b Oshkosh jeans. Use colors, brands, characters, markings, etc.
  • DON'T just write "pants", "shirt", "bathing suit."
  • Tags can only scan on a flat surface.
  • 50% of your items MUST be marked down for discount Sunday.
  • If you're donating your items (no floor items or Mom & Dad's Corner allowed) after the sale, why not have them marked down on discount day to 50%?
  • Please only bring items that complete our 4 C's: Clean, current, complete & compliant.
  • All items must be laundered & clean & free of odors and stains.
  • You MAY use a tagging gun and pins. BUT you may only put those items in SEAMS - NEVER put them directly in the fabric. It ruins the clothing when it leaves a hole. Many complaints from customers - PLUS customers who have learned tagging guns put holes in fabric, they'll pass over your items when shopping.
  • When creating your tags, use only an Inkjet printer. Have new ink and ALIGN your printer.
  • We do require spring/summer items for our SPRING SALE and fall/winter items for the FALL SALE. This refers to pool items, bathing suits, swim trunks, tanks, shorts, (tshirts are okay in all seasons), sandals, boots, light jackets, heavy jackets, snowsuits, sleds, etc.
  • The MAXIMUM # of items a consignor may bring is 1,000.
  • Past consignors may have to move inactive inventory to active.
  • You can tag anytime day or night! Our tagging system NEVER closes!
  • Each sale we have a Mom & Dad's Corner - the sale item will change for each sale. You may NOT DONATE Mom & Dad's Corner items after the sale. Any item left over will be charged $5 per ITEM after the sale if left in Roma whether it has a "D" for Donate or not.

Acceptable Items:

  • You can check out the links to our Acceptable Items (or see the list below this) and Merchandise Preparation pages on the website. All items NOT in good condition will be rejected and in the front section of the sales floor for pickup after the sale.
  • Girls and boys clothing: size newborn to Young Men's size XXL/20 and Junior size XXL/19 in their correct season only Spring = Spring and summer clothing; Fall = Fall and winter clothing only.
  • Maternity clothing and accessories.
  • Baby furniture, including changing tables, and rockers. (We are no longer accepting any cribs due to the recent new CPSC standards)
  • Baby strollers, high chairs, baby swings and car seats.
  • Crib bedding and room decor.
  • Baby items, including crib sheets, receiving blankets, bottles and towels.
  • Books, DVDs, videos and computer software.
  • Toys, puzzles and games with all pieces.
  • Sporting Equipment and bicycles.
  • Cleaned stuffed animals and dolls.


  • Please do everything in your power to get your tags to stay ON your items.
  • Make your descriptions clear (see Tagging)
  • CLOTHING, BLANKETS, - MUST be hung on a hanger in the form of a ? with the tag on the upper right side - as you're looking at the item. (See pix below of DOs & DON'Ts.)
  • All clothing must be Newborn-Juniors XL. No inappropriate clothing. Only clothing a teenager would wear. No business suits or dresses moms would wear. If we believe it's not compliant, we will pull it from the floor and have it available for pickup after the sale.
  • BOOKS, PUZZLES, GAMES, BOXES - may only have BLUE tape on them. NEVER use scotch or box tape. - it will damage items.
  • Please only group bundles of books with ribbon or string. Tape the tag on the OUTSIDE back of the book.
  • TOYS - If your toy has pieces that fit into a Ziplock bag, DO IT! Place the tag INSIDE the bag and....
  • Box tape your Ziplock bags so nobody opens them. ~> they (kids mostly) WILL open them and lose the pieces/tags for you making your item unsellable.
  • SHOES - Using Cardstock, a hole puncher, box tape & a ZipTie - put a small piece of box tape on the tag - far enough in from the corner, punch a hole in it, put the tag between the shoes and ZipTie the shoe, tag & shoe together (see pic below.)
  • Rule of Thumb, if you can place an item in a Ziplock, do it!
  • Another Rule of Thumb, if you can hang it on a hanger, do it!
  • If an item is brand new, leave the tags from the store on it!
  • You can "mark" your hangers - with a piece of ribbon or colored tape <--- makes for easier pickup after the sale if you're not donating items!
  • Items with batteries MUST WORK or they will be pulled off the floor for pickup after the sale.
  • All items MUST relate to a CHILDRENS sale. No kitchen items, adult items, household decorations, etc. should NOT be on our sales floor - unless it's Mom & Dad's Corner items.
  • *See the pictures at the bottom of this page for DOs and DON'Ts.



  • Don't hang your items backwards on hangers - They always go in the form of a ? <------question mark when looking at them.
  • Don't put the tags in the wrong spot.
  • Don't tagging gun or pin items directly through the fabric - put in the seams!
  • Don't use colored paper - it won't scan.
  • Don't print your tags anything other than regular size - smaller tags don't scan!
  • Don't write on your tags
  • Don't put stickers on your tags.
  • Bring items that are dirty or stained to the sale
  • Don't bring items that are out of season to the sale <--- it's creating more work for our helpers to sort items during the quality control shift.
  • Don't put pins through every clothing item on hangers - use size appropriate hangers and items won't fall off!



Consignor Check In

  • Please select a Check In time via our website in the Control Panel.
  • When you arrive to Roma, always check in with us.
  • Consignors are required to have multiple tags scanned to be sure the barcodes work (printers are aligned and print properly) at check in. Unfortunately, if your tags don't scan we won't be able to have you sell at this particular sale. You will have to reprint your tags. - It takes 1 minute to enter a tag into the computer manually. If you bring 500 items, that's 500 minutes or 8 hours, 20 minutes of entering tags manually during a sale and it brings our wait times to a grinding halt.
  • You are responsible for bringing in and placing your items on the floor in their correct spots.
  • When picking up and checking out if you have any unsold items you cannot find on the sales floor, please let us know so we can help you look. THIS is the time to speak to us about it, not in email after the sale.
  • Any items left on the sales floor after 6:00pm on pick-up day will be donated. We cannot be held responsible for any items not picked up.
  • UPSCALE ITEMS: If you have a more pricey item, please bring them at check in. It will be logged in with a form and placed on a table near the registers.


  • Items that are NOT able to be donated after the sale are: ALL furniture, beds, cribs, changing tables, dressers, train tables, large items, car seats, strollers, pack n plays, bassinettes, infant baths, bouncers, activity tables, bikes, push cars, scooters, - NONE OF our floor items may NOT be donated.
  • charities are NOT accepting these items and they will be in the landfill.

  • Consignors have the ability to choose to pick up unsold items after the sale or mark them D for Donate when creating their tags. We donate to our charity after the sale.
  • If you are donating an item it MUST be marked D for Donate - you may have a D placed over your letter if you have printed the tag already - you may not change anything else on the tag (description, price, discount, etc.) only writing the D on your letter.
  • ALL items marked D for donate MUST be marked 50% on the tags.
  • Any item

During the sale

  • Did you know you can see your earnings at the end of the day each day?
  • Please be on the lookout for any texts or emails for large items that may have a tag missing. We try to look for the owners.
  • Consignors are NOT allowed to write on their tags during the sale. If you need to change a price on an item, You MUST create and print a NEW tag.
  • There is NO way to create a tag for less than $1.

Consignor Check Out

  • Please go HERE to see the exact schedule for Sunday pick-up.
  • Please know your sort letter and how many items/what you're picking up.
  • Please arrive no earlier than 4:00pm, but arrive after 4:00 & early enough so you are finished picking up your unsold items and have items checked out by a team member by 6:00 pm.
  • If you have more than 15 items leftover you did NOT pickup AND they do not have a D for donate, your consignor fee will go down to 50%. It kills our breakdown after the sale because we have to sort through YOUR things.


  • Earn 60-80% of the selling price (there is a consignor fee of $15.00 deducted from your check at the end of the sale)! Check out the $$$ you can earn! 
  • A consigner earing 60% of the selling price.
  • A consignor can work up to three 3-hour helper shifts. The first shift gets you 10% more, and each shift thereafter is 5%.
  • Note: The maximum payout for the third shift a helper works shall not exceed $50 for a three hour shift - this goes into effect when you sell $1,001 or more Example: Say your earnings are $1,001. If you worked 2 shifts that would get you 75% = $750.75. If you worked a third shift that would get you 80% = $800.80 Your difference for the third shift cannot exceed the $50, so your total would be $800.75, less a consignor fee.
  • Effective May 2024 the Consignor Fee is $15.00 per sale, consignors earn 60% on their items that sell. At least 50% of items brought to the sale must be marked down for discount days! 

How to receive your check after the sale: 

  • You will receive your e-Check 2-3 weeks after the sale via email!
  • You will receive 2 emails, one from us, the first one is "CHECK YOUR FEES" we kindly ask you to check your fees and give a deadline on when we need to know if something is amiss. The second email says you received a check - from 2 Bees Consignment - at the Deluxe website --> Your earnings will be sent via e-Check through Deluxe Payment Exchange (DPX) (echecks.com)
  • Within one week of the sale an email from KCC with the title CHECK YOUR FEES will be sent.   Then approximately one to two weeks after that another email from KCC will be sent that says your check is ready for you to deposit.
  • If you have never used this service to get your check, please click the link above, use the email KCC has on file for you, as that's what the Deluxe website has for you, and create an account, get your check, print & deposit it!
  • Just as with any bank, this check expires 90 days from today.  If we need to re-issue a check to you because it's after the 90 days or you can't get it or print it, there is a $15 re-issuance fee.
  • We don't have paper checks.

Email us at willcounty.il@kidscloset.biz for more information or if you have any other questions! 

How it Works

Consignors simply tag their items at home and bring them in on the designated drop off days. We'll check your items in and then you can place them on our well organized sales floor. Then let us do the rest! Our professional and personal staff provides the clean facility, advertising and does the selling for you! You don't even have to work the sale!

At the end of the sale, you can come pick up any unsold items or leave them with us and we'll donate them on your behalf. About a week later, you'll receive a check for 65 - 70 percent of your sales, less a conce per season $10 consignor fee.

This fee is waived if you refer someone who also consigns.


Help at this Sale!

Consignors make up to 70% of the selling price by signing up to help out or assist with the sale!

A vast array of HELPER opportunities are available, there is something for everyone!

Tips from the Pros

Get the most out of your sales! Learn from the best and get all of the information you need to have a successful time selling!