Frederick County, MD

April 10, 2025 - April 13, 2025


Consigning with KCC? Here's how it works!


Consignors earn 65% of the selling price on all items sold. There is a $13.00 consignor fee that is deducted after the sale from your proceed. Checks are sent directly from the bank after the sale and normally take 10-14 business days to arrive once they are entered in to the system.

You can increase your earning percentage and decrease your consignor fee by volunteering to help during the sale! Check out Helper Information for additional details.

How It Works:

1. Create an account with KCC- Click "Sign Up to Sell" at the top of the page and then create an account.

2. Sign up for a Drop Off Day/Time in your Control Panel. You will also receive a seperate email from SignUp Genius to select a pick up time if you choose to pick up your unsold items. If you would like these items donated to a local charity instead, you will select that option when creating your tags.

3. Start gathering your items! See the "Accepted Items" and "4 C's" sections below for addtional details on appropriate items.

4. Hang and tag your items using our Online Tagging System accessed from your Control Panel. There are several YouTube videos from KCC with tips and tricks for hanging and tagging.

5. Arrive at the fairgrounds during your designated drop off time and place your items on the sales floor.

6. Watch your items sell online during the sale! (Sales are uploaded every evening!)

7. After the conclusion of the sale, if you are picking up unsold items, arrive during your selected pick up time and pick up your items. They will be sorted by Consignor letter and number to make pick up as smooth as possible.

8. Receive a check shortly after the sale!

Accepted Items:

We are an all seasons sale with only a few exceptions which are outlined below. Otherwise, the following items are ALWAYS accepted at all of our sales:

·        Baby and Kids toys

·        Clothing (All seasons accepted, see seasonal exceptions below)

·        Dress Up Costumes/Accessories

·        Purses/Bags/hair accessories

·        Baby activity seats/jumpers

·        Shoes

·        Puzzles, crafts, games, activities

·        Ride on toys, power wheels, scooters, bikes (If in good condition, these sell FAST!)

·        Outdooor toys

·        Sports equipment

·        Play centers (kitchens, tool benches, doll houses, and easels are HOT items)

·        Books

·        Baby gear (bibs, swaddles, feeding/bathing/potty training items, blankets, etc)

·        Pack N Plays, high chairs, swings, cribs, strollers, bouncer seats, bassinets, etc. (These are some of our BEST selling items)

NEVER Accepted:

  • Clothing that is stained/damaged
  • Items that are broken/missing parts/dirty
  • Yard Sale Items (Home decor, holiday decorations, glassware, baking pans, pet supplies)
  • Food (Unopened, non-expired formula is ok)

NOT Accepted at Spring Sale:

  • Snowpants/Snowsuits
  • Snowboots
  • Winter hats, gloves, and scarves

NOT Accepted at Fall Sale:

  • Sandals/Flip flops/Water shoes
  • Water toys (Pool floats, sprinklers, life vests)

 ** If you have questions about specific items, email** 

4 C's of Consigning:

Clean - We cannot accept clothing that have any stains (even slight ones), tears, holes, fuzz balls, soiled/worn areas, odors or loose/broken/missing buttons. Other items should be clean, and not show extreme wear, missing decals or excessive fading. All large items need to be cleaned properly - Exersaucers and high chairs need to be wiped down, and the seat covers should be run through the washing machine. This goes for strollers and swings as well.

Complete - all items need to be 100% complete (no missing pieces) and in fully working condition (batteries included, in battery operated toys and baby gear.) Bags need to be secure and sealed with clear packing tape.

Current - items must have been purchased within the last five years and reflect current styles and fashion trends. Car seats must be less than five years old and you will need to sign a disclaimer at drop-off stating it has not been in an accident or recalled. Cribs must have been manufactured after 6/28/11.

Compliant â€“ We do not accept any recalled products. Click here to check if your item may have been recalled. 


To make tagging as efficient as possible, here are few things to keep in mind:

·        Separate the items you are consigning into categories; clothing (separate by gender and then by size), toys, books, accessories, etc. before you start tagging.

·        Make sure all toys/games/puzzles have all parts and pieces and seal them up. Place parts to toys in a ziploc bag and secure it to the main toy.

·        Hook shoes together with zipties when possible. This keeps them together but also allows for trying on.

  • Blankets should be packaged in ziploc bags (preferred method) to prevent them from getting dirty.

·        Once your items are all together and you are sure everything is in sale condition enter your items. For each item you will enter:

  • Description (ex: Under Armour Blue Logo/Grey Hoodie)
  • Size (ex: Boys 4T)
  • Price
  •  Last Day Discount (yes or no, default setting is set to YES)
  •  Donate (yes or no, default setting is set to NO)

·        Once your items are entered, leave them in their piles

·        Print your tags on white, cardstock paper. Colored paper tends to not scan which can lead to errors when entering manually. Regular paper tears and falls off.

·        Place a unique mark on your tags(ex: unique stamp, pink circle, blue check, etc) to help identify your items easier at pick up or if an item is missing.

·        Cut your tags and place them in the category of piles as your items are. This allows you to quickly identify each item and place the tag.

·        When placing tags:

  • Try to use a tagging gun or safety pins and affix KCC tags the product tag or in a seam so as not to make a visible hole in the fabric. DO NOT pin or tag through the collar or front of item as it leaves holes.
  • For books, use painters tape to affix tags. Packing tape often rips or damages the cover of the books
  • For toys, you can use zip ties, clear packing tape, or painters tape. Be sure the tag is securely on the item and won’t fall off.

·        Once items are tagged, place them on hangers with the hook of the hanger resembling the shape of a question mark

·        For additional tips and tagging videos, check out our You Tube Channel: Kid's Closet Connection Tagging Tutorials 



To Increase your profits:

·        Only bring items in GREAT condition and in working order.

·        Price between 40% and 50% of what you paid for the item, taking into consideration age, condition, style, and brand.

·        Price on the LOWER end for newborn and junior clothing, value brands (Carters, Garanimals, Old Navy).

·        Price on the HIGHER end for large play items and baby gear (in nearly new condition), large toys, name brand and boutique brands (Gymboree, Janie & Jack, Justice, Ralph Lauren, etc)

·        Mark most, or all, of your items as YES for Discount Day. Many shoppers buy in bulk on this day and you can maximize your total revenue and pick up fewer unsold items.  Those who price items for Discount Day, on average, receive a check greater than sellers that do not mark down their items for Discount Day.


Consignor Drop Off:

  • Don't forget to sign up for a drop off time! You can do so by going to your "My Closet" and clicking on "Sign Up for a Drop Off Time".
  • When you arrive at the fairgrounds, please CHECK IN prior to unloading your vehicle. This is where we gather information to mail your check so this is VERY important. You will also receive important information on:
  • Consignor only pre-sales
  • Sales floor layout
  • Available helper shifts
  • Items available to help with drop off
  • Once checked in, you may use our carts and rolling racks to bring your items on to the sales floor. You are also welcome to bring your own carts or wagons
  • All items should already have tags on them and clothing should be on hangers. We do have some extra hangers incase one breaks or falls off.
  • All areas of the sales floor are clearly labeled and there will be volunteers throughout the venue to help guide you if needed. Please place your items in the appropriate areas to the best of your ability.
  • Once drop off is complete, we do a complete overhaul of the sales floor. It gets straightened and organized to create the best shopping experience possible for our customers. If you come back to shop and your item is not in the exact spot that you left it at drop off, DON’T PANIC. It is safe to assume that EVERYTHING will be moved at some point.
  • We welcome children at our sales, but you may find it more productive if you can make other arrangements for those not old enough to help you place things on the sales floor. 

Consigner Pick Up:

  • An email will be sent via SignUp Genius the week before the sale for you to select a time to pick up your items.
  • When you arrive during the time you selected for pick up, there will be rolling racks and carts available for you to use. Feel free to bring your own wagon or cart if you would like.
  • All items will be sorted, to the best of our man power, by consignor letter and number within their sections (boys/girls clothing, toys, books, baby, shoes, etc). Our sorting capabilities are determined by the number of volunteeers we have. The more we sort, the quicker pick up goes. Added perk to helping with sort… you get to pick up your items first!
  • Once you have gathered your items, let one of our volunteers know and they will check each item to ensure they are yours. DO NOT TAKE ANY ITEMS OUT OF THE BUILDING WITHOUT BEING CHECKED OUT! If you feel strongly about items being packed a certain way, please wait until after you are checked out to pack them.
  • After all of your items have been checked out and removed from the venue, come to the check out table to sign out.
  • We do our best to save as many hangers as possible for our consignors. Please check the hanger racks and feel free to take any hangers that have your mark or no mark at all with you. We also usually have a ton of extra safety pins at the check out table for consignors to take as well. 
  • If you decide NOT to pick up, please let us know. We always make an effort to get items back to their owners, so if you know you are not picking up, please let us know ahead of time. Any items NOT picked up by the posted deadline WILL BE DONATED.

How it Works

How it Works:

1.       Register as a consignor.

2.       Gather your nearly new items in great condition.

3.       Launder and clean any items you are bringing to the sale.

4.       Prep them for the sale by hanging clothing on a hanger and securing other items appropriately by reading our Merchandise Prep page.

5.       Price and tag your items using our online tagging system.

6.       Drop off your items at one of our drop off days/times.

7.       Shop at our Consignor Presale where you get to shop before we open to the public.

8.       Pick up your unsold items or consider donating to our local charity.


Help at this Sale!

Consignors make up to 70% of the selling price by signing up to help out or assist with the sale!

A vast array of HELPER opportunities are available, there is something for everyone!

Tips from the Pros

Get the most out of your sales! Learn from the best and get all of the information you need to have a successful time selling!