Work With Perks!

February 13, 2025 - February 16, 2025

United Methodist Church of the Cross

1600 Rush St

Salina, Kansas 67401



We would love to have you help us before, during or after the sale! Scroll down to see the available helper shifts.


  • Sign up forĀ one shift before, during or after the sale and receive 70%* of your proceeds and get to shop at our Helper Presale, Thursday, February 13, 2025 3pm-5pm.
  • Sign up forĀ two shifts and receive 75%* of your proceeds and get to shop at our Premier Helper Presale, Thursday, February 13, 2025 2pm-5pm.

*Note: The maximum amount consignors will receive for each shift worked shall not exceed $50 for a three-hour shift. This applies only to the second shift a consignor works. Only consignors are allowed to help at events. Children should not be brought to helper shift.

Please arrive about 5 minutes before your shift.

Please do not bring your children if you are scheduled to help.

If you need to cancel helping, please do it at least 24 hours before your shift, so we have time to find a replacement. Thank you!

Sign Up to Help Out

You aren't signed up to sell at this sale, sign up to sell first in order help out.

No helper jobs are currently available.