Sales Schedule

April 09, 2025 - April 13, 2025

Johnson County Fairgrounds - 4H Building

178 E Washington St (behind Gardner Elementary)

Gardner, Kansas 66030


Join us at the upcoming Kid's Closet Consignment Events in Gardner!
Our SPRING 2025 event will be held at the Johnson County Fairgrounds 4H building:
178 E Washington St in Gardner (behind Gardner Elementary)

At our Spring events we will have TWO back-to-back weeks of shopping!
Week 1 - Mom & Dad's Closet - Items for the whole family/house -- April 3rd-April 6th
Week 2 - Kid's Closet -- April 9th-13th

Week 1 the complete venue will be FULL of clothing, shoes, accessories, sporting goods and more for mom, dad and teens - plus - household decor, kitchenware & household items, games, puzzles, crafts, books, new in box giftable items and more!

Week 2 is the Kid's Closet Event! The complete, full shopping space dedicated to everything you need for your babies, kids, teens and moms to be, all at great prices - high quality items only - organized for easy shopping!

Sellers will be able to sell with either or both portions of the event, all with only one seller fee!

Sellers and Helpers with either portion of the event will get passes to the pre-sales for both portions of the event!



Week 1: April 3rd - 6th - Mom & Dads Closet

(Adult, Teen and Household items)

Wed - Presale Events -- 4-8:30pm

Thurs & Fri - Open to the Public - 9am-8pm

Sat- Open to the Public - 25% off Most Items - 9am-5pm

Sun - Open to the Public - 50% off Most Items - 9am-3pm -- HALF PRICE SHOPPING!

Week 2: April 9th - 13th - Kid's Closet

(Everything for babies, kids, teens and moms-to-be!)

Tues - Presale Events -- 4-8:30pm

Wed, Thurs & Fri - Open to the Public - 9am-8pm

Sat- Open to the Public - 25% off Most Items - 9am-5pm

Sun - Open to the Public - 50% off Most Items - 9am-4pm -- HALF PRICE SHOPPING!

Admission is always free!

For more details and info on presale events, join our Facebook page:


Week One

Consignor Drop Off: Tues April 1st 3pm-8pm, Wed April 2nd 7am-1pm

Consignor Pick Up: Sun April 6th 5-7pm and/or Monday April 7th 9am-11am

Week Two

Consignor Drop Off: Monday April 7th 2pm-7:30pm, Tuesday April 8th 7am-Noon

Consignor Pick Up: Sunday April 13th 5-7:30pm, Monday April 14th 10am-11:30am

**NOTE - if you are participating in BOTH events and traveling from outside of the JOCO area, or having scheduling conflicts please text me at 913-220-4481 to make alternate drop off arrangements. We can accept limited Kid's Closet drop offs when you come to pick up from Mom's Closet, or make alternative arrangements, if we have planned that in advance with you.