West Valley, AZ

December 07, 2023 - December 09, 2023



  •      Consignors keep 65% of everything that sells - less a $12.50 consignor fee that is paid once per season. Plus, you (and one guest) get to shop early at our half-price pre-sale on Friday from 4-7PM. Payments are issued 7 - 14 days after the sale.
  •    You don't have to work the sale - but if you do, you keep even more of your earnings. Click here to sign up for a helper shifts.
  •      Consigning is both fun and easy: 1) Register and select a drop-off time, 2) price and tag your items at home, 3) drop them off at the sale location, 4) pick-up or donate your unsold items at the end of the sale, 5) get a your proceeds in 7 - 14 days. (Registration/tagging tutorial...) (How-To videos...)
  •      NOTE: If you drop-off more than 400 items, you will need to work the pick-up shift on Sat from 4:30-8:30 or Sun 12:00am-4:00pm. If you cannot, we will assess a $25 fee.
  •    Pick up is Sunday after the sale from 4:00-6:00pm. Pick up times are determined by your last name. A - L 4:00pm - 5:00 pm and M - Z 5:00pm- 6:00 pm. Please be reminded that all leftover items will be donated at that time. We do not have storage available.
  •    Friday is our 25% off discount day. Items marked 50% off on Saturday will also be offered at 25% on Friday.

How it Works

How it Works:

1.       Register as a consignor.

2.       Gather your nearly new items in great condition.

3.       Launder and clean any items you are bringing to the sale.

4.       Prep them for the sale by hanging clothing on a hanger and securing other items appropriately by reading our Merchandise Prep page.

5.       Price and tag your items using our online tagging system.

6.       Drop off your items at one of our drop off days/times.

7.       Shop at our Consignor Presale where you get to shop before we open to the public.

8.       Pick up your unsold items or consider donating to our local charity.


Help at this Sale!

Consignors make up to 70% of the selling price by signing up to help out or assist with the sale!

A vast array of HELPER opportunities are available, there is something for everyone!

Tips from the Pros

Get the most out of your sales! Learn from the best and get all of the information you need to have a successful time selling!